Queen of the Castle

I love cuddling up to a good book but these days all reading seems to be dedicated unto Dr. Seuss. So I had to chuckle when Lynn Bowen Walker contacted me of all people to review her book Queen of the Castle.

Until I noted the subtitle: 52 Week of Homemaking Encouragement for the Uninspired, Domestically Challenged and Just Plain Tired. Now that is something with personal application, especially when it has a chapter heading Housework, Done Correctly, Can Kill You.

And just when have I found the time to be inspired reading her book, you may ask? On this queen’s porcelain throne. I’m sure Lynn would be thrilled to know I garner inspiration during potty time but hey, whatever works.

The book is broken down into weekly vignettes consisting of humorous tips, stories, recipes and the all-important Chocolate Breaks. Oh, and not to be forgotten are her enlightening vocabulary words such as TORPID–Deprived of the power of motion; dormant. As in “Kids, let’s not spend our entire summer like torpid blobs in front of the TV set.”


But what I’ve really enjoyed are the inspirational quotes. In honor of Mother’s Day, I thought this address Barbara Bush gave at a Wellesley College commencement when she was First Lady was absolutely perfect:

“For several years, you’ve had impressed upon you the importance to your career of dedication and hard work. This is true, but as important as your obligations as a doctor, lawyer, or business leader will be, you are a human being first, and those human connections–with spouses, with children, with friends–are the most important investments you will ever make.

“At the end of your life, you will never regret not having passed one more test, not winning one more verdict, or not closing one more deal. You will regret time not spent with a husband, a friend, a child, or a parent…

“One thing will never change: fathers and mothers, if you have children…they must come first.
Your success as a family…our success as a society…depends not on when happens at the White House, but on what happens inside your house.”

Along the same inspirational lines, a closing vocabulary word: CALLIPYGIAN–Having beautifully proportioned buttocks. As in “Honey, does this bathing suit make me look callipygian?”

Sure beats looking fat….

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