Parents over-think birthday parties. I understand putting more thought, effort and money into birthday parties when kids get older but when they’re young? A complete waste.
Little kids want four simple things: food, friends, fun and presents. Parents who go over-the-top for baby/toddler birthdays are doing it to impress their peers more than the child.
Not chez moi. My friends are used to being unimpressed with me.
Bode was undecided about how he wanted to spend his fourth birthday so I made the decision for him. Last year’s PJ & Pancake Party was such an easy, fun idea that I proclaimed we make it an “annual” event.
This is just a nice way of saying you’re too lazy to think of something different.
All the kids had a blast and our family each had our favorite moments.
I loved 1) hanging out with my friends as the kids ran wild and 2) actually getting a semi-presentable group picture.
Well, with the exception of Noah picking his nose behind Bode.
Loved the “Best Bed Head Contest.”
Hangin’ with the girls..and covertly hooking up the new Buzz Lightyear Rock Blast Sprinkler while the moms were
ignoring them engaged in pressing matters.
He loved his presents that included Transformers, Toy Story 3 EVERYTHING a movie and games.
Another big hit was having full liberty to decorate his pancakes however he wanted. Choices included gummy bears and worms, chocolate chips, whipped cream, fruit and every kind of syrup on the market.
Hangin’ with his boys wasn’t too bad either.After livin’ it up in the bouncy castle, my little party animal turned his PJ & Pancake Party into a wet
T-shirt PJ contest with good ol’ Buzz Lightyear Rock Blast Sprinkler.
I didn’t have the heart to break it to him I used the same thing in France. It was called a bidet.
Did not love staying up working until 3:30 a.m. the night prior.
Did love that after I spent an afternoon baking oatmeal chocolate chip cream cheese cookies for the goody bags, I forgot to distribute them.
Everybody was a winner.
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