The Denver Broncos Get Spiritual

Possibly the biggest understatement made by fundraising kid as she looked at our 755-lbs pumpkin, Halloween countdown sign and abundance of decorations: “So, do you celebrate Halloween?”

Halloween isn’t all we celebrate. Every Monday evening we good Mormon folk gather our little flock together for Family Home Evening. For those not in the know, the official definition is:

Family home evening is a special time set aside each week that brings family members together and strengthens their love for each other, helps them draw closer to Heavenly Father, and encourages them to live righteously.

The Johnson Family definition:

Family home evening is a special harrowing time set aside each week that brings family members together at odds with each other and strengthens their love their resolve to throw tantrums thereby needing to encourage them to live righteously [by not hitting one another].

Or something like that.

In an ideal world, we would all gather together, link arms and sing Kumbaya. Sometimes it happens that way, many times it doesn’t. The reason? We have two small children who do not always like each other. So in FHE, we try to appease the sibling rivalry and sing a song, say a nice prayer, have an uplifting lesson and then a fun activity.

Most of the time.

Unless Jamie is in charge.

It was his turn last night. A few minutes prior, I asked him what he had planned.

“We are going to watch the Broncos together!” he announced gleefully.

Trying to be the supportive wife, I answered, “That’s fine. We’ll come down and watch with you. Though that in itself doesn’t seem like a very appropriate Family Home Evening activity.

“Don’t worry. We’ll start the game with a prayer.”

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