Our bags were packed, we didn’t go

This post was supposed to be about my family’s adventures in Aspen last weekend.

How we stayed at the base of Snowmass Mountain and were swept up the mountain in a snowcat sleigh ride to enjoy a gourmet dinner.

And don’t forget about the glorious skiing and how much the children would have relished playing at Snowmass’ infamous Treehouse Kid’s Adventure Center.

Instead, I shall document my week by Facebook posts.


Do you know those days when you love everything about being a parent and can’t get enough of your kids? TODAY WASN’T ONE OF THOSE DAYS.


Tip: Do not EVER complain when you’ve had a bad day. Because GUARANTEED the next day can always get worse.

Tomorrow’s trip to Aspen can’t come soon enough.


Just when you thought it couldn’t get worse, it does. I was up all night with puking Bode. Canceled Aspen trip. Officially going into mourning. Trip postponed until late-February, barring yet another disaster.


Bode started to feel better on Saturday so we salvaged the weekend by eating dinner at glorious Zengo, going for a long walk along the river and attending a free day at the zoo. I’ve always loved the polar bears but felt a kinship with them when I read their plaque: the females spend most of their adult lives either pregnant or caring for their young.

After the last week I had, I definitely knew the feeling.

The quote of the day was Hadley’s. For a bit of background, the kids are really into the whole Land Before Time series and love learning about dinosaurs and their babies. Hadley’s quote?

“Daddy, that giraffe is sitting on a big EGG!”

It was his scrotum.

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