Thank you for all the sweet notes I received yesterday. My friends in the blogosphere are sure swell!
But I have something to admit: I am the Bah Humbug! of Thanksgiving. I am not sure why I am unable to get excited about this holiday. It could be because in Canada we celebrate it in October and I have always preferred that it is not piggy-backed with Christmas.
Errr…and by piggy, I don’t mean ham.
Or that when I was in college, I always tried to volunteer to serve Thanksgiving dinner at the local food bank because I didn’t have family in the area. And I was rejected. Every. Stinkin’. Year. Imagine that. Rejected by the food bank.
In years past, the division of labor has been clear in Jamie’s family: the women cook and clean, the men watch football. So, when Jamie’s mom informed us she was going to Utah for a wedding over the holiday, I shut down completely and there was some ingratitude over my impending slavery. So much ingratitude that my dear hubby made food assignments to everyone else so as to advert a turkey-induced nervous breakdown.
It would not have been pretty.
Really, the only thing I look forward to is our annual hike on The Turkey Trot trail to offset the pending gluttony. This is the first year we will likely get rained/snowed out and so we did a trek on Saturday with the kids. Haddie has been on the trail since she was six weeks old and is quite the intrepid hiker.
Upon reaching the summit, there was an out-of-breath Californian blubbering around the “brutal 1-mile hike.”
I didn’t have the heart to tell her my 3-year-old just kicked her butt. It wouldn’t be good for the tourism industry, you know.
Part of hiking in Colorado is ensuring you look stylish on the trail.
Well, at least for Haddie it is.
As we were rifling through her closet, I suggested, “Let’s try on your new velour-looking Nike sweatsuit that Grandma bought.”
She obliged and spun around.
Haddie: “How does it look, Mommy?”
Me: “Wow, you look spiffy. Do you know what spiffy means, Haddie?”
Jamie: “That you were born in the 70s.”