Colorado’s Floods: A Lesson in Gratitude

Like many Coloradoans who were not directly impacted by the floods, I felt at a loss about what I could do to help. I have been filling in for several weeks as Bode’s Primary (Sunday School) teacher and our lesson was on prayer on Sunday.

We talked about all the many things we can thank Heavenly Father for and also what to ask for. A big item of discussion was people impacted by the flood and I tried to drive it home that prayer without action  is pretty darn fruitless so I’ve been looking for ways to teach my kids to serve. Later that day, we drove about a mile from my house to survey some of the damage. We are on the very tip of the worst of it and our house was mercifully spared. Friends a mere mile away received evacuation orders.

On Sunday, we went to survey some of the damage and yesterday, I went for a ride along my favorite trails. Rebuilding will take months.

I can’t even imagine the devastation if that was your home underwater.

We caught wind that an area fire station had become a makeshift command center for the National Guard who were battling the floods and they were in need of food donations. So, the kids and I gathered together oodles of snacks, made dozens of cookies and a couple of huge cards. As we were going to deliver them, I received a note from Bode’s school that the local food bank also needed items for flood relief but we decided to stick with the original plan with the command center and send some different items back to the school.

I’m so glad we did.

When we pulled into the parking lot, I felt like we were in a war zone with heavily armored army vehicles and I suppose we were.

I have the utmost respect for the military but have never really been around them. I’m not sure what I was expecting when we walked into the fire station’s command center…maybe a cheerful PTA volunteer mom greeting us…but that wasn’t it. About 25 exhausted men and women from the army were resting for likely the first time in days. Their eyes lit up when they saw the kids walk in, armed with oodles and oodles of cookies.

Bode and Hadley gave them the big cards they made and, get this, these amazing men and women stood and clapped…for us.  I mean, my cookies are good but standing-ovation-worthy? :)

In all seriousness, the whole thing was deeply moving and brought tears to my eyes as we turned around and clapped, thanking them for all that they were doing.

It took a few hours out of our lives but I hope it is one experience these kiddos of mine will never forget. I know I won’t and I’m so grateful for the many people who are on the front lines every day.



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