
When I was at BYU, I had one of the coolest jobs on campus: I worked as a research assistant in the religion department’s Faculty Support Center. I did everything from make copies (a lot of them) to transcribing OLD manuscripts to editing very cool documents.

It was there my fascination with Ancient Israel and world religions was borne and the reason why I did a study abroad to the BYU Jerusalem Center for Near Eastern Studies for my final semester.  In August. With heat so unbearable I thought I’d never make it outta there alive.

But I still loved every minute of it. Except for the heat parts. Which was all the time except for when we were in air-conditioned buildings.

It was a complicated love affair.

Several of my co-workers and boss Patty are lifelong friends and I was thrilled when I was able to hook up my soon-to-be freshman neighbor Alexis with a job at the FacSupp starting in June.

When I posted about my water breaking with Hadley in very public booth #3 at Einstein Bros., Patty dropped me a note to remind me of an experience I had long forgotten.

Or chose to forget (thanks, Patty).

Once upon a time, I was at work and grabbed something out of my backpack. Something you should know about me is as long as I can remember, I’ve carried a water bottle full of ice-cold water wherever I go. My kids have inherited this trait and we can’t leave the house for even a 5-minute walk without some water in-hand.

So, that day so many years ago, I grabbed my backpack and it was SOAKING wet. All my homework and text books were drenched and I’m sure I was raising a fuss because Patty asked me, “What on earth happened?”

Still in shock, I finally blurted out, “MY WATER BROKE!”

The foreshadowing is not lost on me.

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