Bode has a lot of great qualities but what I value most in him is he is just a good, sweet, kind-hearted soul. In fact, when I picked him up from a recent playdate, my neighbor observed, “Bode is the nicest kid on the block.”
He (obviously) doesn’t get it from me.
Part of being a nice kid is he has rarely has meltdowns and he gets along with everyone. I can put him in any situation, even with the socially-backward or aggressive types, and he will befriend them while being a force for good.
We have four hours until Hadley gets home so we try to go on an adventure every day. On Friday, we biked around Lake Arbor.We stopped at the local playground and Bode played with a cute boy a couple of years younger than him. At one point, I overheard their conversation.
Bode: “I am Bode. What’s your name?”
Kid: “My name is Brandon. But they call me ‘Sweetie Pie.’”